Russia and China discussed prospects for co-operation in the field of digital education

Particular attention was paid to co-operation in the area of digital education, including the exchange of experience in creating national digital platforms and introducing artificial intelligence in the specialised field.

"Digital technologies are not only necessary for computer science specialists, today they must be mastered by specialists in almost every industry and every profession," said Dmitry Afanasiev.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the sustainable level of support for academic exchanges, the active work of joint universities and specialised associations, the expansion of ties in the field of language education and the improvement of the contractual and legal framework of relations.

Thus, the participants positively assessed the work of the Joint Russian-Chinese University MSU-PPI (Lomonosov Moscow State University and Beijing Polytechnic Institute) in Shenzhen.

"This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and we are ready to fully implement the agreements of our heads of state to continue strengthening educational cooperation and enriching Russian-Chinese relations in this area," said Chen Jie, deputy head of the Chinese ministry.