Selkups. Save as ... is a multimedia project of the TSU Higher School of Journalism that received two bronze awards at the international competition The Best of Digital Design, which is held by the Society for News Design, SND. The project is dedicated to one of the smallest nations of the world - the Selkups.

Projects in digital journalism area take part In the SND competition. The results of 2018 were summed up by 13 experts from the USA and other countries. Along with the TSU project, the winners of the competition this year were the works of The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters, National Geographic, South China Morning Post, and other brands in the world media market.

The project Selkups. Save as ... received awards in the categories of Use of Multimedia and Website Design.

Such contests also suggest which areas should be developed: the greatest number of awards are related to data journalism, interactive interaction with the reader, and experimental formats. And this means that they need to be even more actively included in the project work today.
