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  • Scheduling interviews with potential research supervisors for the doctoral track participants is open

Scheduling interviews with potential research supervisors for the doctoral track participants is open

Starting January 24 the access to the scheduling system is open in the personal accounts. A maximum of 3 potential academic supervisors can be chosen. Next, participants have to sign up for an available time slot. Please note that the supervisors will pre-select the participants they are ready to interview.

It is preferable that participants request the Interviews with those research supervisors who confirmed the intention to interview them, as it increases chances to pass the interview successfully. 

Those who are not ready to interview a participant will not be available for them to select. 

It is preferable that those who have not shown interest in interviewing a participant are selected only if there are no any potential scientific supervisors in the area of scientific research.

IMPORTANT: Participants have time up to 11:59 pm on January 27, Moscow time (UTC +3) to make a choice and sign up for the interviews.

Lists of potential research supervisors can be found on the subjects` pages on the Open Doors website. To prepare for the interviews, it's recommended to read the Program of the interview with potential research supervisors, which is also found there. A participant needs to be ready to answer questions about the content of the motivational letter from their portfolio.

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