Open Doors Third stage participants in the postdoc track are announced
Current results are final and will not change. If you're not among the Third stage participants, we thank you for participating in the Olympiad and are looking forward to welcoming you again next year.
IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE who got to the Third stage, starting on the 1st of February you’ll have access to the scheduling system in your personal account. You can choose a maximum of 6 heads of research projects and sign up for an available time slot. Please note that the head of the research project has already pre-selected the participants they are ready to interview.
It is preferable that you request the Interviews with those heads of research projects who confirmed the intention to interview you, as it increases your chances to pass the interview successfully.
Those who are not ready to interview you will not be available for you to select.
IMPORTANT: You have time up to 11:59 pm on February 3, Moscow time (UTC +3) to make your choice and sign up for the interviews. Before the interview, the participant must complete an identification procedure using a webcam and a valid identity document. Keep your ID with you and be ready to show it to the head of the research project.
Lists of heads of research projects can be found on the respective subject pages on the Open Doors website. To prepare for the interviews, read the Program of the interview with heads of research projects in the Open Doors postdoctoral track, which you will find there.