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Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2021

Times Higher Education, the British edition, published the Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings -THE Young University Rankings.

To create this list, experts selected 475 “young” universities from the best 1526 world-class universities of the global THE ranking (2020), which were created / founded no more than 50 years ago.

Let us remind you that Russia entered top 10 countries of THE global institutional ranking 2020 in terms of universities quantity, since 48 Russian universities got different positions at the ranking, 4 universities out of the said 48 were included into the ranking of young universities.

Till 2017, none of the Russian universities was included into the THE ranking of young universities. The National Research University Higher School of Economics, one of the Project 5-100 leaders, became a pioneer. This university also represented Russia in the ranking of young universities in 2018 solely. In 2019, it was accompanied by another Project 5-100 participant - Siberian Federal University.

In 2021, four best Russian young universities all over the world are as follows: National Research University Higher School of Economics (57th position), Siberian Federal University (301-350 positions), Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (positions range from 301 to 350) and RANEPA (positions range from 351 to 400).

The THE ranking indicators of young universities coincide with the THE institutional ranking indicators for the corresponding year, but their weights are changed in such a way so that to reflect the tasks and characteristics of the young universities:

1. Teaching (the learning environment): 30%.

1.1. Reputation survey: 10%.
1.2. Staff-to-student ratio: 6.0%.
1.3. Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio: 3.0%.
1.4. Doctorates-awarded-to-academic-staff ratio: 8.0%.
1.5. Institutional income: 3.0%

2. Research (volume, income and reputation): 30%.

2.1. Reputation survey: 12%
2.2. Research income: 9%
2.3. Research productivity: 9%.
3. Citations (research influence): 30%.

4. International outlook (staff, students and research): 7.5%.

4.1. Proportion of international students: 2.5%.
4.2. Proportion of international staff: 2.5%.
4.3. International collaboration (share of scientific publications co-authored with foreign scientists): 2.5%.

5. Industry income (knowledge transfer): 2.5%.

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