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  • Russia and China discussed the implementation of joint scientific projects

Russia and China discussed the implementation of joint scientific projects

Denis Sekirinsky recalled that last March, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping issued a joint statement on a plan to develop key areas of Russia-China economic co-operation until 2030. In particular, it talks about promoting exchanges and qualitative expansion of cooperation in the spheres of technology and innovation in order to ensure technological leadership of the two countries.

According to the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the plan has already launched a number of joint projects aimed at:

- strengthening co-operation in the field of fundamental research;

- joint research carried out on the basis of infrastructure projects of the "megasciences" class;

- development and implementation of "flagship" research projects;

- deepening humanitarian exchange in science, technology and innovation;

- joint participation in global S&T governance.

"All these activities are fully in line with our vision of science development, reflected in the updated Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia. I would like to note that at present active work is underway to implement all the conceived activities of the 2030 Plan," Denis Sekirinsky noted.

During the meeting, the parties agreed to hold a competitive selection process and also reached an agreement to increase the number of bilateral applied projects supported.

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