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  • National Research University Higher School of Economics agreed on closer co-operation with leading Chinese universities

National Research University Higher School of Economics agreed on closer co-operation with leading Chinese universities

In Hangzhou, one of the leading universities in the country, Zhejiang University, gave the Russian delegation a warm welcome. The parties exchanged views on trends in student exchanges, internships and summer schools, and discussed potential topics for joint lectures, seminars and conferences on sustainable development, higher education, and computer technologies. Further steps in deepening co-operation were also outlined. The working programme also included an excursion to the Museum of Scientific and Technical Innovations, where the latest achievements of the University in the fields of aeromechanics, environmental protection and nature management, medicine and energy are presented.

Central topics for discussion at Nanjing University included the potential for developing bilateral relations in higher education, taking into account Chinese educational specifics, opportunities for joint research on artificial intelligence and digital literacy, academic and student exchanges on topical areas of knowledge, such as energy and low-carbon development.

The last on the list of cities was Shanghai, a number of universities of which have a long history of friendly relations with NIU HSE. In Shanghai, the delegation held meetings at Fudan University, Shanghai University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and East China Pedagogical  University.

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